one small candle may light a thousand,
so the
light here kindled hath shone unto many...''
William Bradford
Retford Hub
11 Churchgate
DN22 6PA
01777 860414
The Centre is located in Retford, 4
miles (9 mins) from the A1, located between Newark and Doncaster and makes an
ideal stop off point for coaches. Drop off outside, with parking nearby (please

The Tour
The Pilgrims developed ideas about
freedom and religion that were at odds with tradition. The impact was to change
the country, bringing it out of the 'Middle Ages' and creating an age of change
and learning. Discover some of the impacts on the Church, on the Monarchy and
how the creation of the State affected ordinary people.
Hear our tour guide explain why the
Pilgrims started the 'Separatist' movement. Discover who they were, how the area
became a 'hot bed' of modernist ideas and how they were helped by many others.
Follow the story through to their journeys to Holland and America with the story
of the Mayflower and discover the impact this had on the world. Tour lasts 40

Group benefits
Buy over 10 tickets at £2.50 and
every tenth is free.
Free group organiser familiarisation
Fee admission for the tour organiser
and coach driver.
Free coach parking and driver 'meal
deal' with groups of 15 or more.
Additional guided tour available for
High tea
A truly British event, high tea is
served in the unique setting of our art gallery courtesy of our local WI. Cakes
are made locally using flour milled at a local windmill. We have a wide
selection of teas including English Breakfast Tea, Earl Gray; Queen Victoria's
favourite tea, and some lesser known including , one of the
worlds most expensive teas. The tea also includes a range of sandwiches which
include local artisan cheeses. Cost £8 per head, minimum 20.
Tea, cheese, cake and flour is
available to purchase together with a wide range of local gifts and souvenirs.
Click here for information on
our day tours>>>
Pilgrims and Pilgrim Fathers Museum
member of the Robin Hood tourism group
Website design
and marketing by Mutex Solutions