one small candle may light a thousand,
so the
light here kindled hath shone unto many...''
William Bradford
Retford Hub
11 Churchgate
DN22 6PA
01777 860414

In 1582 Richard Clyfton became
parson at the small village of Babworth in North Nottinghamshire and preached
new ideas about freedom and religion that were at odds with tradition and the
oppressive State. His reputation grew and, with support from William Brewster
his congregation expanded in nearby Scrooby, a group now called Separatists. In
1606, fearing for their lives, with over 50 members they escaped from England to
Holland, where they continued their work. They published information on their
beliefs for distribution throughout England, this put them at odds with the
rulers and particularly the King.
Ultimately they again had to flee
for their lives, this time to the ultimate holiday destination, America.
Some of the group in Holland
eventually returned to Noiinghamshire and started the Baptists, and nearly every
english speaking, non-conformist Christian church can trace its origins to the
religious triangle of Notts- Lincs - Yorks.
The museum tells the story of the
times, who they were, what happened and why. It has a collection of artefacts
from previous anniversaries, bibles, books and other historic material.

Our Story
The Centre is run entirely by
volunteers with the aim of telling the story of the Pilgrim Fathers. We are a
not for profit organisation.
The Mayflower Pilgrim
Visitor Centre and Museum was started opened in May 2017 in Retford. It is the first Museum
dedicated to the Pilgrim Fathers who originated in North Nottinghamshire.
The Centre was opened by
John Handley, Chair of Nottinghamshire County Council.

John Mann, M.P., was in
attendance, together with Madeline Richardson, Mayor of Bassetlaw and many other
Councillors, local dignitaries and project supporters.
The Centre was built by a
team of local volunteers, organised by the Retford Hub. We are grateful to
Richard Copely Bains who provided invaluable support and information and
also Adrian Gray, Sue Allan, Rick Brand and Anna Scott.
Pilgrims and Pilgrim Fathers Museum
member of the Robin Hood tourism group
Website design
and marketing by Mutex Solutions